Monday, January 24, 2011

Cindy Lou Chu!

With Amanda 4 years older than Alison and 6 years older than Alexa, she is a definite role model for them. They admire her and look up to her for everything. Most recently, Amanda has become their fashion icon. Since Amanda wears knee high socks to school, both Alison and Alexa have started demanding wearing their own mini versions.

With Amanda's hair getting longer and longer for hula, she has taken to wearing it in a ponytail. Since she is their fashion icon, Alison and Alexa have started asking to wear their hair in ponytails too. Luckily, Alison has enough hair to wear a ponytail...Alexa, not so much. But this doesn't stop her from trying. Hence, sisters separated at birth? You be the judge...

Friday, January 7, 2011

God's Plan

Both Dave and myself are the products of good, ole, Catholic education. When we had Amanda, we did a lot of research into the public schools in our area, and after some debate, decided that our kids would also have a Catholic education. So, starting in preschool, Amanda attended Catholic school and now Alison is as well. Over the years Dave and I have literally spent thousands of dollars on their religious education, with many more thousands in the foreseeable future.

Tonight, we were able to see where some of that money went. Alison got in trouble for not cleaning up a mess she made. Tearfully, she came up to me and cried, "That's the way God made me!" Confused, I asked, "What?" Louder, Alison cried, "That's the way God made me...NAUGHTY!"

So, when all else fails...blame God.