Monday, March 15, 2010

My Name is Mud (aka M-O-M)

On her last report card, Amanda recieved all VGs, or Very Goods (the politically correct way to give an A in elementary school). To reward her, I purchased some cool chalkboard wall decals to put up in her room. While she was at school, I applied them and then lovingly wrote, "I love you -Mom" in one of the clouds.

When she got home, she was pretty excited about being able to write on her walls. She was not as excited about my little message, however. She asked if she could erase it and when I asked why she replied, "It's sooooo humiliating!" I asked her what was so humiliating about "I love you -Mom" and she clarified that by saying, "the MOM part, can I just erase the MOM part?". So here is a picture of her new wall decals....minus the humiliating MOM.

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