Monday, November 2, 2009

The Grass is Always Greener

Alison's attends preschool three days a week from 9am until noon. Up until recently, all the kids needed to be picked up at noon. Due to parental demand, however, the school started offering extended care from noon until 2pm. Since I stay home with the girls, Dave and I did not sign her up for extended care. We've always felt like no one could care for our children the way I could, and so we have sacrificed so that I could stay home with them during their formative years.

As we left school today at noon, Alison looked back at the friends that were staying and asked me why they weren't going home. I responded that they were staying for lunch because their mommies were too busy to pick them up right now. Alison looked at me for a minute and asked, "Mommy, can you be busy too tomorrow?"

Nice to know that our sacrifices for the greater good are so well appreciated!

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